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Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Defining Adventure

How does one define adventure? For a lot of people, it means many different things, mostly involving some pulse-quickening activity. Running, cycling, white-water rafting or kayaking, skydiving, you get the picture.
Speed is my kick, I guess. I have always loved to go fast. I personally enjoy my motorcycle immensely, especially on the two-lane twisties in northern West Virginia and southern Pennsylvania. As a rule, I don't normally ride on the freeway, to me it kind of defeats the purpose of riding a bike, but there are enough idiots and apparently suicidal deer out there to qualify it as an adventure.
I also used to go hiking and camping a lot when I was younger, and I can't recommend the Boy Scouts enough for kids who are that age. I also rode a ten-speed everywhere when I was in high school, and like almost everything else I've owned with wheels on it, I had to see how fast I could go on it. I think I got it up to 30-35 mph pedaling downhill on my street. I can't tell you how many cars I almost hit (there were at least 4 side streets and I always ran the stop sign right by my house) but it was definitely a rush.

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