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Wednesday, December 5, 2007

When an MP3 player Just Won't Do

Among my other amazingly expensive pursuits is my love of music, and the electronic reproduction thereof. This means I am always looking at really cool electronics and when I find something new and promising I will try to post it here. I want to do this for two reasons. First, I think good music deserves to be played on good equipment, and you should buy the best equipment you can readily afford. Second, if enough people buy the things I post on here, demand for those items will rise, making them increase production, which will in turn lower their cost, hopefully to a point that I can buy one for myself. So I'm not really sharing with you, I'm just another selfish, manipulative so-and-so.

Anyway, I have Stumbled Upon this little gem from an audio electronics company named Olive. It's like a gigantic hard drive so you don't have to convert your music to MP3 files. In my somewhat-less-than humble opinion, this conversion sucks a lot of the fidelity out of music, which is fine if you're only listening to your music with tiny earphones. But on a home system, playing through high-end equipment, these shortcomings become obvious, sometimes painfully so. They will actually pre-load music on your unit when you purchase it, for a small fee of course, but it's still s really cool feature.

These units will also load your MP3 player for you, play internet radio stations, or stream music through your house wirelessly. It also looks totally cool, so it should fit seamlessly into your existing system.

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