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Monday, November 19, 2007

10 Things Every Man Should Be Able To Do

There are certain things that every Man should be able to do. I'm not saying that Modern Man should be able to build a house from scratch, shoe a horse or survive in the Wild indefinitely, but he should be able to do a wide variety of things that are minimum requirements for being "Manly."

I know there are things on this list that many Men don't do because they just don't have the time, but that's OK. Ability is what matters here, not opportunity.

The following list is made up of what I consider to be things that define a Man as such, in no particular order:

1- Drive a stick shift. I know, I know, an automatic is easier, more convenient, and blah blah blah... It doesn't mean you're not a Man if you don't drive a stick, just if you can't drive a stick. So many people my age never learned to drive in anything but a slushbox, seeing as how most people my age learned to drive in family sedans. I took my first driver's test in a little car with an automatic and failed, but when I took the test in a full-size truck with a stick, I passed easily. It also enables you to operate a motorcycle, and what could be more Manly than that?

2- Speaking of cars,Men should be able to do simple routine maintenance on them. Changing oil, spark plugs, filters and belts are still relatively easy and don't usually require any special tools or equipment. Again, I'm not saying you're less than a Man if you don't service your own vehicle, just that you should possess rudimentary knowledge of its care. This has the dual purpose of being able to save money while still using top quality parts and keeping you from getting ripped off when you bring it in for service. Plus you should be able to change out a flat tire just on general principles.

3- Read a map. If you're not going to stop & ask directions (and what Man would?), you'd better be able to read a map, find your present location and plot your own course. With the advent of very accurate GPS systems, this is becoming less of an issue, but it's still a very useful skill. Learning how to refold your map is optional, though, as a matter of aesthetics.

4-Read, write and speak articulately. Nothing is more pathetic than a conversation with a supposedly grown Man who uses big words and has no grasp of their actual meaning. Non-existent words, like irregardless, or mispronunciation that adds to or ignores existing letters in a word are particularly irritating. Ask people to pronounce "voluptuous," I'll bet good money at least a third will give you "volumptuous." What does that do to their credibility? Contrary to today's MTV generation's opinion, there's nothing cooler than being intelligent and articulate.

5-Defend himself from an attack. I'm not saying every man needs to be Jet Li, but you should be able to protect yourself and any women or children in your company. Even if it's just a verbal attack, refer to #4 above. Some Police departments in America actually train their officers in "verbal Judo" so they can defuse a bad situation with words, instead of making it worse with a weapon. Learn to stop an attacker, but also use common sense, because you're just not going to thwart an armed robbery. That's horrible Hollywood BS, and it will get you and others killed.

6- A man should be able to shoot a gun. Once again, I'm not saying you should transform yourself into Dirty Harry, but familiarizing yourself with firearms will dispel a lot of the mystery and fear so many people associate with them. The Founding Fathers thought it was important enough to include it in the Constitution, right after Free Speech. If you can shoot a gun, you should be able to safely load & unload it, disassemble & clean it and safely store it in your home. If you don't care for guns, that's fine too, a man who stands by his principles is still worthy of respect, as long as your dislike is not fueled by ignorance or fear. This does not exempt you from #5 above.

7- Basic household maintenance. Beyond changing light bulbs and cutting grass (which I personally despise), you should be able to manage the next step up. Installing a ceiling fan, light fixture, or other items should be part of a Man's skill set. Learn how to do simple plumbing, electrical and carpentry jobs and you will appreciate the people who do these things for a living a lot more. It will also save you money and put more intangible value on your home.

8- Cook a meal. Hello, it's not 1955 any more! Yes, a Man should be able to cook more than microwave meals, spaghetti and omelettes. If you can cook, you demonstrate your prowess as a provider and appeal to the primitive side of a potential romantic interest. Along with a sense of humor, this is one of the primary things women will appreciate for a very long time. Besides, fast food will kill you faster than cigarettes.

9-Hook up your own electronics. A Man should be proud of his entertainment system, but wouldn't that pride be underscored by knowing you put it together and made it work? I learned by a lot of trial-and-error, but I now have a totally rocking system in my home. The more ancillary devices you have, the better, even if some of your devices are last-gen, like a cassette deck or turntable.You should also be able to put a desktop PC together and have it running in little or no time.

10- Manage your finances. If you can't balance your checkbook or if you carry a balance on credit cards, get used to being broke. Knowing how credit works will serve you well throughout your life, and I was fortunate enough to learn this before I got buried in debt. Someone told me a long time ago that "you'll never get rich working for someone else, so pay yourself first." I started doing that right away and realized how true it was fairly quickly. Don't spend money you don't have on things you don't really need. Do I need a 60" TV? No, but I paid for it with money that was set aside for just that reason, so no real sacrifice was made to buy it. Did I need it? No. Did I work out a way to get it anyway? Yes. Hell yes.

I know there are more than these items, so feel free to amend this list any way you like.


Unknown said...

I agree.. good stuff man.

Unknown said...

I totally agree. This is great. I can't think of anything to add!